7 things to do if you’ve been made redundant
These past few years have been life-changing for many of us. With many workplaces moving to remote working, or adapting to the cost of living crisis, many businesses have closed down or cut costs, which means one thing: redundancies.
If you’ve been made redundant, a million thoughts always go through your mind: how am I going to pay for the bills? How am I going to get a new job now? What did I do wrong?
These are absolutely normal questions to ask, but we want to make two things clear: this is not your fault and it does not reflect you as an employee.
If you find yourself in this position our advice is don’t give up! It’s easier said than done, but there are loads of other companies hiring, or this could finally be the opportunity to start your own hustle!
Here are a few things that you can do:
1. Use LinkedIn
LinkedIn is great for looking for new jobs. Not only do companies advertise jobs there, but you also have the option to let recruiters know you are looking for a job. Recruiters often use LinkedIn to look for people to fill in the jobs they are advertising. Even if you’re not looking, it’s good to have a few in your network that you know you can get in touch when you need.
So go and update your profile, and let recruiters know you are available!
2. Upload your CV to job search sites
As with LinkedIn, recruiters also look for candidates on job search sites. We’ve heard from members of the Talk Twenties community who uploaded their CVs to Total Jobs and Reed and had recruiters approach them about jobs that weren’t even advertised on those websites.
3. Register with a recruiter agency
Registering with a recruitment agency can help you access other job opportunities that might not be advertised elsewhere. Recruitment consultants are there to place you in a job that suits you. Good ones will help you prepare for interviews and discuss your CV in detail. We’d recommend going through smaller and specialised agencies, as they’re more likely to find the right job for you and dedicate some time to help you during your job hunt.
4. Improve your skills
There are so many jobs you can apply for in a day. If you feel like most of the jobs around are asking for more skills than you have, then just take your free time to improve those skills.
There are plenty of places that do online courses, such as Alison, Coursera and Udemy. The beauty of it is some are free (you just have to pay for the certificate) or they are very low cost.
5. Start that side hustle
If you have been thinking about starting your own business, or taking your side hustle full-time, then this could be the right time and a blessing in disguise! As you don’t have to focus on another job, you now have the time to invest in yourself and in your business.
You can use the spare time to research the market or come up with ideas or even set up your own website or online shop. Make good use of social media to promote your business! Most of us are now spending more time on social so it’s a great time to grow!
6. Take time off!
We swear this one is not to confuse you. Taking time off is very important for your mental health too! Being used to working full time and then having nothing can be quite daunting and you might feel the need to fill every second. Don’t! It’s all about balance. You can spend time applying for jobs and learning new skills, but make sure you also have time to have fun!
We go from nursery to school, to college, to university, to our first job and then another job all our lives. How many of us stop to reflect and consider our the direction of our lives? Money will absolutely be a worry in your mind but if you can afford to, try to take some time for you to figure out your next steps without rushing. Remember, it’s all about balance!
7. Be positive
One last thing and we cannot stress this enough: be positive. Yes, it’s okay not to be positive alllll the time, and we know this is a particularly stressful time, but positivity attracts positive things into your life. Having positive thoughts when applying for jobs and going to interviews makes you feel more confident because you are believing in yourself. And there’s nothing more powerful than that!
If we believe in you, so can you!
These are our top tips to get you started. You got this! The key is making sure you are applying for a job YOU like and make sure you stand out. Plans change and it’s how we adapt to them that makes us strong and resilient.