The Finance Tips That Will Save You Money in your 20s with Elent Finance
Do you need help understanding your payslip, taxes, national insurance or even how to invest in future you with workplace pensions? This episode covers everything from understanding student loans to the gender pay gap. It’s a one-stop shop for anyone in their early twenties trying to get on the best foot with their finances.
We have researched what people in their 20s need to know about finance and money and asked accountant and financial educator Abigail Foster, also known as Elent Finance, to give us all the information.
Although Abi is the expert when it comes to financial education and discusses EVERYTHING we need to know to save and make money in our 20s, in this episode she also opens up about the other areas of her life she struggles in. A true reminder that nobody is perfect, and everyone is trying to figure it out!
In this episode Abigail talks about:
- Financial education importance
- Understanding your payslip, income tax and more
- The gender pay gap
- Work place pensions and automatic enrolment
- Breaking down student loans and repayment
- Adulting failures & much more
Find the full podcast below