Hormones, Periods and ‘The Pill’: Everything You Need To Know with Sarah Elisabeth
Did you know you can only get pregnant in 6 days out of your monthly cycle? Here is everything you need to know about periods, hormone cycles and women’s health as Sarah Elisabeth joins the Talk Twenties Podcast to debunk myths about women’s health from understanding your body literacy and knowing when you will feel creative and like Beyonce to when your body wants to hibernate and recover. This episode is for everyone who cares, loves, educates or identifies as a woman.
Sarah Elisabeth is an expert in women’s health coaching and gives us everything and more we need to know, even the fact that you or your partner might find you less attractive in certain points of the hormone cycle. Sarah explains that although she isn’t “anti-pill”, she believes that the education around this is causing many issues in women and offers wisdom about the pill if you are thinking of taking it or stopping it.
In this episode Sarah talks about:
- – Women’s health lack of education in school and the impact
- – The reasons why women’s health is everyones business
- – The 4 phases of your cycle explained simply with advice
- – Why you feel like a different person every week
- – How to spot when you are fertile
- – What the pill does to our body and the science behind it
Find the full podcast below