Pro Footballer to Wave House Manager Talks Growing a Data Driven Business with Jide Maduako
Ex-footballer to manager of £5million TikTok mansion THE WAVE HOUSE and creating Yoke Network, the leading creator marketing network. Jide Maduako talks about how navigating the world of professional football on and off the pitch helped develop skills for the business world.
Is everyone a content creator now? Jide and Gaby talk about how to hustle with a LACK off ego and using data in a creative industry to excel ahead of the competition.
Jide has an interesting personal story from footballer to university student (to keep his mum happy) to creating the leading marketing network but just like us, Jide is human and suffers with figuring out life like the rest of us. Jide owns up to the areas in his life that needs work on and where his big life mistakes are.
In this episode the Jide Maduako talks about:
- Creating the wave house
- From professional footballer to business owner
- Life lessons from a footballer on and off the pitch
- Becoming a content creator in a saturated industry
- Understanding data in a creative industry
- Leaving ego behind in business
- Procrastination
- Adulting failures
Find the full podcast below